Friday, February 10, 2012

A Few More Reviews

Ok remember when I said I was weary of talking about The Cold Cold Ground and myself. Well I am. But I said that just before half a dozen reviews about the book started appearing everywhere. In the last week we've had the Spinetingler review, The Sydney Morning Herald review, The Melbourne Age review and the verdict from The Irish Times. The blog reviews and reviews on and have been rolling in as well. For my sins I read ALL the reviews and so far it's been a pretty pleasant experience with this book (it is not always thus, believe me). I do want to thank everyone who has bought CCG and left a rating or a review, it really means a whole lot to me. I think my favourite sentiment from all the reviews came from Nerd of Noir in Spinetingler who said that he'd recommend the book to basement dwelling noir geeks as well to his (presumably surface dwelling) mother. Oh and yeah Dec Burke said in the Irish Times that if a mad scientist had gene spliced David Peace, Eoin McNamee and Brian Moore together and forced this weird baldy Japanese speaking monster to write a novel it might have produced The Cold Cold Ground.