Friday, February 15, 2013

More Me, Me, Me,

Two more McKinty interviews for your, er, pleasure...? I was supposed to be talking mostly about the Sean Duffy series, particularly the new book I Hear The Sirens In The Street but if you know me at all, you'll appreciate that focus isn't my strong suit...

A transcript of my jetlagged, over caffeinated slightly unhinged interview with Ann Giles the irrepressible "Book Witch", here. Photographs courtesy of Junior Witch in the really rather lovely Wellcome Institute cafe somewhere near Euston Station. 

An interview with the charming Kate Evans of ABC Radio National here. This talk ranges pretty wildly too; interestingly I had a bit of a whinge with Kate off air about the musical cliches they always play when Irish people are being interviewed about any subject so Kate went above and beyond the call of duty and found some fantastic musical cues that are appropriate to the book and the conversation. You can also listen to this interview live on ABC Radio National or on their itunes podcast.