Thursday, May 9, 2013

Release Day

My new novel I Hear The Sirens In The Street is released in North America today! It's excellent timing to release a thriller as there doesn't seem to be any competition at all out there at the moment... Sorry what was that you said? Dan who? What? Inferno? What is that?
If you're new to me I shall endeavour to catch you up about the Duffy series: Sirens is a sequel to The Cold Cold Ground and both these books are about Detective Sergeant Sean Duffy and his career in the RUC (Northern Ireland's police force) in the early 1980's. In Cold Cold Ground Duffy gets mixed up in the 1981 IRA Hunger Strikes and Sirens sees him get sucked into the extraordinary and bizarre DeLorean scandal of 1982/3. The latest review of Sirens was in the Sydney Morning Herald, here. 

The best place to start is probably with The Cold Cold Ground which came out with Seventh Street Books last December. All my novels are always standalone but if you read them out of sequence there may be spoilers involved. The Cold Cold Ground won the 2013 Spinetingler Award, it was one of Audible's Best Books of the Year and it was shortlisted for the 2013 Last Laugh Award (for best satiric crime novel), but it's not everyone's cup of tea. If you're looking for a book with a lot of comforting Irish tropes I'm afraid I can't help you. I should also point out that I relish the demotic, so if you are frightened by ancient Anglo Saxon, Gaelic or Ullans swear words you should probably spend your hard earned dollars elsewhere. 

You can read reviews of The Cold Cold Groundin The Guardian, here
or the Irish Independent, here 
The review in The Times is here. 
The Glasgow Herald's verdict is here 
The Sydney Morning Herald's review, is here
The Irish Times weighs in, here and the 
Irish Sunday Independent adds its two cents, here

If all that sounds intresting, you can get The Cold Cold Ground and I Hear The Sirens In The Street at at your local bookshop if you're lucky enough to live in a place that still has a bookshop.
Finally for all those people who have been gently pestering me about the audio release of Sirens, I can report that Gerard Doyle has finished his recording and it should be available after midnight on May 14 Eastern Daylight Time on Audible, here. Doyle, as usual, does a brilliant job.