Thursday, April 29, 2010

Vote For Me!

I'm reposting this because there's only one day left if you want to vote and if I win I can cash in on the longshot money and pay off my debt to the Asian gambling syndicate that I lost our life savings to:
I've been nominated for a Spinetingler Magazine Award for my novel Fifty Grand. If you liked Fitty G you can vote for me at Spinetingler Mag, here. I'm in the rising star category and funnily enough I'm up against my old pal Brian Evenson. Don't vote for Brian, though, he's the head of Creative Writing at Brown and he must be raking it in. All right vote for him if you want, his book, Last Days was brilliant. Another mate of mine Stu Neville is up in the new voice category for his excellent Ghosts of Belfast.