Sunday, August 21, 2011

A No Alibis Autopsy

I'm between flights at an airport in Malaysia so this is just a quick post to thank everyone who turned out for Dec Burke and myself reading at No Alibis last week. It was a pretty fun event. Dec and I didn't actually read but just riffed for about an hour, on, you know, stuff. 
A big thank you to novelists Stuart Neville, David Park, Andrew Pepper and Gerard Brennan who came by to show support and to Colin Bateman and Brian McGilloway who had very good reasons to skip this time...As someone in the audience yelled out at one point "Is there anyone here who isn't a crime novelist?!"
I'd like to thank everyone who came out for a beer afterwards and all the good people who actually bought a book from Dave Torrans! Like I say it was a nice event: goaded by Mr Burke I was probably a little too indiscreet and if you were there you'll know what I was talking about and if not there's no way I'm going to repeat it here...
See you all at the next one!